Tuesday 28 January 2014

Countdown to take off...

So I have decided to document my imminent travels through writing a blog.
I can honestly say that this is going to be one of the biggest, scariest but most exciting adventures I have been on to date and I am very excited albeit a little apprehensive.

A lot of planning has gone into this trip and I am pretty proud that what was a tiny idea about 18 months ago has evolved into reality - with the plane ticket bought and my backpack waiting to be filled to the brim with my travel 'essentials' ...

I still can't believe I am going.

I will endeavour to write as often as I can and whenever I have internet I shall post photos and document my adventures!

(However if you don't hear from me for a while, please worry.)

I have a mammoth amount of organising to do in the next few days and probably should think about packing, so with that said I shall leave you with what has to be my proudest purchase...


Absolutely amazing. I might not even ever need it but I couldn't resist ... actually on that note beware of online shopping and the little 'have you thought of...' or 'others bought...' pop ups as you could get really carried away.

Standby guys!
6 days to go.